Local elections

Today it’s the municipal election day, and it’s supposed to be the first free and honest municipal-election in the history of my country.
And despite of all of that, I won’t go to vote, I know that I’m supposed to stand for that right, that people and especially women, had fought for it, it’s supposed that I won’t drop my chance for changing, but like almost all Tunisians I feel disappointed.
I mean after the revolution of 2011, we hoped really for the best, we have tried to change things, to make our country a better place. but we were deceived by politicians. Life here is getting harder and harder.
I have friends from civil society, who is trying to convince us that if we don’t vote, then we cannot control or charges the people who will get the authority. Ad that even if, election is not the best way to improve the situation, but it’s all we get for now.
But for me, I say, I voted or not, we will not be able to control them anyway, we will not be able to questioning their decisions. Beside it’s already known who will win, we have two big political parties in the country one of them is already full of splits and problems and the other one is controlling the whole country since it won in the election of 2011, so basically the Islamist will win the municipal election too.
Democracy should be built, on principals, on mentality, it should be seen in the people actings and everyday life, otherwise it will be only theoretical, and kind of just a show.

We should work on the next generation, to teach them the principals of democracy, the principals of managing their public life. Well, I know that some people will tell me that we should deal with what we have now, and work for the future simultaneously.
Well, that could be true, but anyway I decided not to go.

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