Just wondering

If from a religious point of view we people we are created to worship god , and domesticated animals are created to serve us ,and wild animals are created to regulate the eco-systeme , i still can’t get why such ugly, unknown and bizarre creature (like in the picture below ) do exist.





and not only bizarre creatures , but also why does the space exist , why does such number of galaxy planet and stars exist , well some will respond that this exist to show us the greatness of the god , but i don’t think so , humanity does exist for so long time before and they didn’t know about how big is the space until very late time from our existence as human , I guess if all of this were created only to show us ( the very little , stupid , tiny creature ) how great is the god i guess it would be easier to him to show his face to us , than creat all of this , that’s look like waste of space …
And i’m just wondering , and i guess that the question about the meaning of life is the secret of life , without it we would stop asking thinking and evolving and simply we will disappear

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Love , desire , beauty & femininity


I want a night under the stars, I want to go out, to love to be loved , to be beautiful and to dance ………….. the problem is this still a simple desire that has no chance of being realized.
I feel a need to feel beautiful , I have a need to see sight of desire in my man eyes , I usually don’t express such kind of feeling that I get from time to time , but after all i’m a woman and I want to feel my femininity .

A lot of people understand badly when I express this, but right now I don’t care about what they say,or think about me .
Usually they start giving advice such as try to fill your time and don’t think about this you will get someone when it’s time for you and when it will be meant to be.
I feel angry about such advice and I want to tell them:” people, just shut up , you don’t even know about my life. and I assure you that it’s much more exciting than any of yours.
I’m not justifying myself or trying to say hello I’m not just a silly girl looking for a boyfriend or a hasbund .
I’m just talking about love, desire, femininity, things that we need to feel sometimes, wich are so far away from ordinary sex or ordinary desire, there is some kind of beauty, femininity and desire so classy that only you can feel them you can’t describe them, such as in a perfect tango dance, things like that can change the routine of every day, can recharge our soul and mind, and take us so far away from the cruelty of this world



Princess like in fairy tale

i want to be a princess, i don’t mean a princess who wear crown and order people , no not that kind of princess , i want to be a princess like in a fairy tale , the kind princess who have a golden heart , who help everyone , who could stay in the middel of a forest and be surrounded by birds flowers and rabbits , I want to make a crown of flowers , i want to be the queen of nature , i want to be loved , i want that my smile shine like the sun , i want seed grow in my hands , and i want a man who see the world in my eyes,
I want a prince who see that i’m a princess and who bring roses to me everyday .
i just dream to be a princess like in a fairy tale


Just like a star

sometimes i feel like a star , i don’t mean pop star or fashion star i mean real star in the sky , a star that not always you can see it shining , sometimes the sky could be cloudy, or there is a lot of light noise around , or some other times your position or time is just not good enough to catch it but the star is always there , the star is always in my heart even if it’s not always obvious

I believe that we step out from the supernova, and i’m a woman life come out from my uterus , I belive that we all human we are the dust of stars even if we forget it sometimes , i will promise myself from now on to remember this.

93754847stardust-jpg STARDUST